Banner Exchange Script - start your ad exchange network

Kick Start your own banner exchange platform with our top-rated Banner Exchange Script with great earning opportunities and traffic generation options.


Our Banner exchange script helps you to manage a full banner exchange network. Webmasters exchange banner ads with each other and you collect significant revenue from the sale of excess banner impressions that the website generates in an automatic manner.

Banner exchange script helps you to earn great revenue. You get a lot of traffic and get free promotion via banner advertizing, even if you are offering this banner exchange service free of cost.

From advertisers point of view, it offers real-time statistics of the banner displays,click through rates, statistical bar graphs and lot more data points to help them know what is effective and what is not. Furthermore, this banner exchange script can be easily integrated into your website.

What makes our Banner Exchange Script so special?

Customizable Interface

Banner exchange script front-end UI colors can be easily configured to allow you to change the appearance of the banner exchange platform. This helps match the look and feel of your brand elements, resulting in a very professional outcome.

Automated Ad Exchange

The completely automated ad exchange process helps users perform banner exchanges and gain free traffic. This make it easier to run and manage campaigns for both users and administrators.

Credit Transfer

The software also has the ability to transfer banner display credits from one campaign to another. This way users have more control over their advertising strategies, as well as the ability to optimize their banner displays.

Monetize Surplus Impressions

This ability helps you as website admin to increase the revenue by converting the unused banner impressions into profit. You can sell it to members as credit packs.

Unlimited Campaigns and Banners

It is possible to create any number of campaigns. Plus option to have unlimited banners for each campaign. Banners can be of different banner dimensions.

Real-Time Statistics

Banner exchange script provides detailed real time stats to help users evaluate the effectiveness of their advertising strategies.

Auto-Generated Surplus Impressions

Surplus impressions that are generated automatically cab be used to either earn by selling credit packs or to get free advertising for your websites. So, every single impression is utilized to the best.

Bonus Click Credits

The system offers additional credits for each banner click. This encourages member to place the banners in more visible areas for better click rates.

Quick Signup Process

Easy and fast registration process enables new members to join the banner exchange network without any problems.

Secure Login and Password Retrieval

Banner exchange script uses current standard PHP Encryption which will automatically keep upgrading to latest standards. A password retrieval function improves the security of user accounts through protected logins.

Profile Management

This enables members to easily update their profiles to make sure that all the information they have is up to date and correct.

Campaign Management

All aspects of campaign management are well covered like creating, editing, enabling, disabling and deleting campaigns.

Banner Management

Banner management tools allow users to perform actions such as addition / deletion / modification and banner weightage management. This increases overall efficiency and effectiveness of banner ads.

Purchase Credit Packages

BAnner Impressions are offered as credit packages and can be bought through a secure payment gateway like PayPal.

Easy Banner Code Integration

Easy Cut and paste for shows banners on their websites. They can start earning instant credits just by copying and pasting the code.

Credit Management

It is possible for users to earn credits from one campaign and use them in another campaign in order to get the most out of their earned credits.

Detailed Statistics

Additional statistics that include information on impressions, clicks, click ratios and other parameters are also provided by the banner exchange script to help users get a better understanding of their advertising and improve on their strategies.

Admin-Defined Banner Dimensions

Script admin can also define and control the banner dimensions. This gives the script enhanced compatibility with maximum websites.

Email Notifications

The platform has several configurable, auto-generated email notifications. This goes a long way in keeping users engaged with the platform.

Admin Control Panel

Comprehensive power-packed admin panel provides administrators with total control over users, campaigns, banners and script settings.